Donors and
Thank you to our key partners

How can I donate?
CASA offers several giving options, including the ability to donate online.
CASA Corporate Sponsors
Business can sponsor CASA through any of our four annual fundraising events. Sponsorships vary in levels for each event. Sponsorship may include having your company name/logo highlighted in our four fundraising program books, signage, marketing materials, and/or website. Hundreds of attendees, volunteers, community members, business owners and elected officials will learn about your organization through your sponsorship. To learn more about event sponsorship contact Rita Facchina at [email protected].
Memorial and Honorary Gifts
Honor your loved ones, those living and those who have passed, by supporting a child. A letter will be sent notifying the honoree or family of your gift.
Bequests and Planned Gifts
Leave a legacy of a better future for children by making a planned gift of life insurance, retirement funds or other assets.
Workplace and Matching Gifts
Ask your employer about their matching gift program or make a gift to CASA of River Valley through your employer’s charitable giving campaign.
Please contact the CASA office at (815) 730-7072 for further information.
CASA of River Valley
EIN 36-3918847
3200 W. McDonough Street
Joliet, IL 60431
To learn more about your donation options please call us at 815.730.7072 or email [email protected]
CASA of River Valley
3200 McDonough Street
Joliet, IL 60431
© CASA of River Valley All rights reserved.
Site by Paul Gregory Media
CASA of River Valley is a United Way agency, a recipient of the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), and a member of the National CASA Association. CASA of River Valley is an Equal Opportunity Organization.
501(c)3 Letter | IL Tax Exempt Certificate |
Volunteer links:
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